Why Some Locations and Directions Give Exponential Power

Detailed Explanation of https://chinese-vedic-horoscope.blogspot.com/2024/01/how-superpower-places-shield-you-from.html

As you know from the above blog, Energy radiates over time. As scientists already proved, some energies exponentially increase the power of certain energies and some cancel opposing energies. Transformers magnify the voltage of electricity. A magnifying glass exponentially increases the power of sunlight to burn paper. During an eclipse, because the sun and moon both combine their gravitational force along the same path, there is a brief but sudden rise in gravity. The effect on the ocean is called a tidal bulge. 

Energy can be magnified. No, exponentially multiplied.

Energy can also be cancelled. This is how noise cancelling head phones work. They vibrate out sound waves that are the precise mirror image of the soundwaves around you. 

Your enemy is like a noise cancelling headset to you. They will negate and destroy everything you do. Your soulmate will reinforce and exponentially multiply everything you do. They are like power chords in music where you are the root note and your soulmate is the 5th of that scale. 

But as mentioned in the first blog post above, since energy does not ever get destroyed, if you're not getting the energy you need from the stars, which you won't for about 985 days out of 1000 days (yeah, this universe sucks), there is some other location that is currently emitting the energy you need. 

This makes complete sense from the perspective that while time brings you perfect supercharging energy due to the alignment of planets and stars, the earth itself is a planet being hurled through space just like any other planet. And the center of the earth itself is a star burning like any other star.

So instead of helplessly waiting for the stars to align again and give you a break, you can go the the precise locations that have this energy right now. Billionaires today and ancient emperors from yesterday built their homes and thrones on these locations. 

You can do the same. And you'll live much longer than the emperors did because you don't have the stress of enemy emperors trying to kill you and take your kingdom.

Most people have 2 or more supercharging soulmate energy. Each supercharging energy empowers you in different ways. It's highly difficult to get more that one supercharge at one time. For some, their supercharging location is a small mountain. Being at a small mountain will give you conquest and manifesting power. Another is a windy forest. Forests block wind so this seems like an oxymoron. It's more of a riddle. Find a forest at the edge of a tall ocean cliff. They are very windy. Being there will give you super harmonic power. 

There is however one hidden secret about these locations. Just being there won't do anything. You can pass through these super charging geo structures and not notice anything changing in you. So most people will just pass this off as superstition or folklore. But the Taoist masters knew the secret of unlocking the energy of these locations.

In a windy forest, if you're a dragon, you must meditate facing NW1. If you're a snake, NW3. No other birth signs can absorb wind energy in the same way. 

Taoist masters realized, 5,000 years before modern scientists that energy is directional. Light travels in a direction. Sound travels in a direction. Gravity travels in a direction. So if you want to get wet, you can't stand next to a river.

But since energy is not only directional but it is also harmonic, to absorb it, everyone must face a different direction based on their own birth energy.

Without listing all of the supernatural locations on earth, if we were to explain the difference between the energies you'd get from just the two examples mentioned already, Being in the NE3 side of a mountain facing SW3 will give you physical manifesting power. It will give you dominance and conquest power. Being in the SE1 side of a big windy forest will give you supernatural creative and spiritual vision. Your dreams will be prophetic in nature. You can even introduce your own dreams and goals onto the world from the windy forest. But if these dreams include physical things like houses or children, you will need mountain power. The domain of forest power is strictly limited to the mental or spiritual realm.

But remember. This only applies if your own birth energy is harmonically consonant or compatible with the mountain and forest. If it's not, trying to absorb these energies will either give you nightmares and suicidal thoughts or just make you jump off the the mountain. 

The universe does not care if you get destroyed or if you become emperor. Only you do.


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