Teleport into an alternate universe where you are always powerful, successful, loved. Geo Supercharging Centers

The secret of transforming your life immediately: how to get rich right now

We all want to be rich, powerful, and loved. But have you noticed that success and good luck seem to come in waves tied together? Failure and heartbreak also come tied together.

If you actually wrote down the dates and times when you were extremely successful or unsuccessful, you would find that this happens rhythmically. You would find that there's a pattern that's predictable. You would find that you could predict when you would be rich and successful next as well as fail painfully.

What's the difference? Whenever you have extremes of success or failure, the universe is filled with the exact formulation or ratio of energies you need to succeed or the exact energies necessary to destroy everything you've built. So all you need for success right now is to find those energies and absorb them.

How super charging energy works
The universe is made of energy. And energy fluctuates in the waves. This much is a known scientific fact.

Another obvious scientific fact is that all wave energy fluctuations happen over time. If you freeze time, there can be no change in energy. 

So every moment in time, exposes the Earth to different combinations of energies. 

The very first moment you are conceived, when the very first of your many cells divides in half by cellular mitosis to double the number of cells that you have, that moment locks in the energy on Earth. Another moment is the first breath that you take. Of all the changing energies on Earth, those are snapshot moments where you are stuck with a permanent snapshot of the energy on Earth. This is exactly like the people who have the pattern of their clothes permanently burnt onto their body the moment the atom bomb exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 

So until you die, you are like a Polaroid photograph of all the energies that were around you when you were born. 

All of this is common quantum physics knowledge.
This is the part where ancient Taoist esoteric philosophy goes beyond the knowledge of modern quantum physics.

Not only do you contain the energy of the moment you were born and conceived, these same energies are ever present and constant in specific supercharging centers of the Earth.

Think of it this way, if you are a chef that changes how you make soup everyday, one day your soup is spicy. Another day your soup is creamier than normal. Another day your soup is saltier than normal. If a friend of yours eats that soup, they are permanently saturated with exactly the energy from the soup. 
If they ate the soup, not as an adult, but as their very first meal as a child, infant, then the energy of the soup would have a far stronger impact of the child for the rest of his life. It's like if you had a coffee stain on your original document before you did 100 photocopies. 

But this is how supercharging geo location of energies works. Although the flavor of your soup changed everyday, the source of that flavor is in the same single location of your spice cabinet. The hot peppers are in the same place, salt is in the same place, the herb seasoning is in the same place. So if you need a specific energy formulation, you can wait for it until the chef makes that exact same recipe again 8 years later or you can just go directly to his spice cabinet and get exactly the energy that you need.

This is how supercharging geolocations work. You can wait for the stars to align in a favorable position for you to become lucky and powerful again. Or you can just go to a place where those energies are always radiant. 
Most of the time, 8 or 9 years out of 12, the energy on Earth is incompatible to the energy that is you. Most of the time, the energy of the universe is actively trying to destroy you. So finding these locations is literally like finding shelter from the harsh Sun or the merciless rain. 

You didn't think you had to wait for a superpower date to get the energies from some planets or Stars, did you? The Earth is also a planet and it's floating through space just like all the other planets and stars you're trying to get favorable energy from. So you just need to know where to go. 

Instead of waiting months or years to get your lucky energy, your super charging energy, you can go to physical locations on Earth and get that energy right now. It's exactly like fast forwarding through Time.

Technical explanation of how these supercharging geo locations work:


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