the 10 Stars or 10 gods for Earth element with Earth in day master.

Certainly! Here's a table showing what each of the 10 Stars (or Gods) would be for an Earth Day Master in BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny) astrology. This table outlines the corresponding element for each of the 10 Stars based on their relationship with the Earth element:

| **10 Stars (Gods)** | **Corresponding Element** | **Description** |
| Direct Wealth (正财 Zheng Cai) | Metal | Wealth accumulated through traditional means, stability in finances. |
| Indirect Wealth (偏财 Pian Cai) | Water | Wealth accumulated through non-traditional means, such as investments or business ventures. |
| Direct Resource (正印 Zheng Yin) | Fire | Support, education, and nurturing that contribute to personal growth. |
| Indirect Resource (偏印 Pian Yin) | Wood | Unconventional support, self-cultivation, unique talents or skills. |
| Direct Officer (正官 Zheng Guan) | Wood | Authority, power, discipline, and official status or recognition. |
| Seven Killings (七杀 Qi Sha) | Wood | Challenges, competition, ambition, and the drive to overcome obstacles. |
| Friend (比肩 Bi Jian) | Earth | Self-reliance, competition, peers with similar goals or challenges. |
| Rob Wealth (劫财 Jie Cai) | Earth | External challenges, competition for resources, potential conflicts. |
| Eating God (食神 Shi Shen) | Fire | Creativity, intelligence, ability to transform ideas into action, enjoyment of life. |
| Hurting Officer (伤官 Shang Guan) | Water | Talent, creativity used to challenge norms, ability to articulate and persuade. |

This table reflects the elemental relationships and how they manifest as different aspects of personality, life experiences, and potentials according to BaZi astrology. Each of these Stars (or Gods) has a unique influence on the Earth Day Master, highlighting areas of strength, challenge, support, and potential development. 

Understanding the presence and interaction of these Stars in your BaZi chart can offer deep insights into your personal and professional life, guiding you toward making informed decisions and maximizing your innate potentials.

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Life Chart Ten Gods Introduction
The Ten Gods of Chinese Astrology
The Ten Gods in the Chinese Five Element Astrology is the most useful tool to predict who influences our life most and what events will occur during the astrological cycles. Ten Gods are Robber Star, Friend Star, Performer Star, Food Star, Property Star, Windfall Star, Officer Star, Evil Star, Parental Star, and Guardian Star.

The Introduction of Ten Gods (Six Gods) in BaZi
Chinese Astrology is an application of Five Elements, which are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. Five Elements have the Mother-and-Child relationship, Destructive relationship, and Fighting Relationship. If one of the Five Elements presents a person, then we can derive the meaning of other elements to the person using those relationships.

Chinese Zodiac Birth Chart
In the Chinese astrology birth chart, the element in the upper Day column represents the person. It's called Day Master or Self Element. Base on the relationship with Day Master, Five Elements are given nicknames - Companion Star, Child Star, Money Star, Career Star, and Mother Star.

Friend StarThe Companion Star is the same kind of element as Day Master. For example, The Day Master is the Male Wood. Another element of Wood, Yang Wood or Yin Wood, is the Companion Star.

Fame StarThe Child Star is the element out of Day Master. From the circulating relationship of the Five Element Relationship, we know Day Master generates the Child Star. Day Master is the mother of the Child Star. The Child Star is also named Fame Star. If Day Master is Wood, then Fire is the Fame Star.

Money StarThe Money Star is the element that can be conquered by the Day Master. People can own trophies, rewards, money, wealth when they conquer something. A man needs to conquer a woman to own her as his girlfriend or wife. So Money Star is also a Wife Star to a man. If Day Master is Wood, then Earth is the Money Star.

CareerThe Career Star is the element that is able to dominate, damage, destroy the Day Master. This element gives the Day Master a lot of pressure. The job brings people pressure, so it is named Career Star. Most women are under pressure in the man's environment. A woman eventually surrenders to a man as his spouse. So Career Star is also a Husband Star to a woman. If Day Master is Wood, then Metal is the Career Star.

Mother StarThe Mother Star is the element that supports the Day Master. From the circulating (Mother-and-Child) relationship of Five Elements, we know Mother Star generates the Day Master. The Mother Star is the mother of Day Master. If Day Master is Wood, then Water is the Mother Star.

Five Elements can be distinguished by Yin and Yang. We call them Ten Heavenly Stems. Above Five Element Stars can be distinguished by Yin and Yang, too. Then we give them new names - Ten Gods.

 View Your Chinese Zodiac 10-God Birth Chart

Robber Star and Friend Star
The Robber Star and Friend Star are the Companion Star. The Robber Star is the same element as the Day Master, but their genders are different. The Friend Star is the same element with the same gender as Day Master. The Chinese Name of Robber Star is Jie-Cai, which means robbery. The Robber Star is a contender or competitor. The Friend Star is a brother or sister. The Chinese Name of Friend Star is Bi-Jian, which means two persons compete for their heights from shoulders.

Robber Star Friend Star
Robber Star Friends
different gender same gender
direct relationship secondary relationship
man's sister man's brother
woman's brother woman's sister
Performer Star and Food Star
The Performer Star and Food Star are the Fame Star. The Performer Star is the different gender child element of the Day Master. The Food Star is the same gender child of the Day Master. The Performer Star is connected to subordinates, businesspeople, celebrities, artists, actors, singers, or speakers. The Food Star is connected to the younger generation, master of cookery, gourmet, or chef.

Performer Star Food Star
Actor Star Food Star
different gender same gender
direct relationship secondary relationship
man's grandma man's father-in-law
woman's son woman's daughter
Property Star and Windfall Star
The Property Star and Windfall Star are the Money Star. The Property Star is a different gender element dominated by Day Master. The Windfall Star is the same gender element dominated by Day Master. The Property Star is connected to a major asset, valuable property, major income, and a man's wife. The Windfall Star is connected to bonuses, gifts, heritage or winning lottery, and man's father.

Property Star Windfall Star
Property Star Money Star
different gender same gender
direct relationship secondary relationship
man's wife man's father
woman's father woman's mother-in-law
Officer Star and Evil Star
The Officer Star and Evil Star are the Career Star. The Officer Star is the different gender element dominating the Day Master. The Career Star is connected to a government officer, diplomat, angel, or proper authority. The Evil Star is the same gender element overwhelming the Day Master. The Evil Star is connected to a soldier, warrior, improper authority. In Chinese, Officer Star is Zheng-Guan and Evil Star is Pian-Guan. The nickname of the Evil is Seven-Killings.

Officer Star Evil Star
Officer Star Killer Star
different gender same gender
direct relationship secondary relationship
man's daughter man's son
woman's husband woman's boyfriend
Mother Star and Guardian Star
The Parental Star and Guardian Star are the Mother Star. Both Parental Star and Guardian Star are the mother elements of the Day Master. The gender of the Parental Star is different from the Day Master. The gender of Guardian Star is the same as the Day Master. The Parental Star is connected to Parental Star can be a mother, parent, grandparents, mentor, or savior. The Guardian Star is connected to babysitter, nanny, or mother-substitute.

Parental Star Guardian Star
Mother Star Baby Sitter Star
different gender same gender
direct relationship secondary relationship
man's mother man's grandpa
woman's grandpa woman's mother
Chinese Five Element Applications

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By Master Allen Tsai on November 11, 2021

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