Year of Ox Chinese Zodiac. personality temperament luck and evil

You were born in the year of the ox.

Of the 12 types of people that exist, you are the mentally strongest and most resilient. You can persevere and persist in a task easily when the other 11 types of people end up exhausted and frustrated. Long-term execution and consistency is your strength. Each of the other 11 types of people need your strength and focus to make their dreams come true. This is why the ancient egyptians, Babylonians, Vedic masters, and Hindus consider the bull to be among their gods. 

Your weakness is the exact flip side of your strength. Because of your ability to focus, you do not consider multiple different perspectives ideas or opinions. And because of your strength and stamina, you do not seek easier shorter paths. While there are not many, if you do ever encounter a wall that you cannot break through with your determination and focus, you would rather die then start on the New path: career, relationship, team.

Every 12 years only contains 3 harmonic years that empower you. The people born during those three years are your allies and soulmates. They carry the energy of those years within them. Also, every 12 years contains 5 years that oppose and destroy everything you've built. Anyone born during those five years we'll also carry the energy of those five years and actively seek to steal, undermine, sabotage and destroy all your work. The other four of the 12 years are simply noise and neither help nor harm you. But if people born during those other four years interact with you, they will act as resistance and impede your momentum.

The most successful people on earth all say that we tend to overestimate what we can do in 5 years and underestimate what we can do in 10 years. The reality is that it takes about 12 years to create life-changing wealth and conditions. And it requires that you do exactly the same thing for those 12 years because then, you'll be building in the same direction throughout your three harmonic years out of the 12th. 

This is like making a sword by forging it in three different temperatures. By uniting the three temperatures into one sword, the strength of the sword increases exponentially.

Destructive energy commonly just called bad luck lasts exactly one year. And since you have five destructive years out of every 12, you will have to create a structure by which you can shield yourself from the destructive harsh energy of the universe during those five years. 

Your harmonically supercharging years are rat monkey and rooster years that each only happened once every 12 years. You don't have to just painfully wait for favorable years like a literal bull would wait for a year with plentiful rain to make the soil soft. You can find and align yourself with people born during those years. Those people will carry the energy of those years. When you team up with people born in the year of the rat, monkey, rooster, you will accomplish in three short years what it would have normally taken 12 years.

By the same principle that harmonic people will produce 12 years of results and just three years of work, having any of the five people who are born in destructive years near you will destroy 12 years of your hard work. 

You must avoid people who were born in the years of tiger Dragon horse sheep and pig since you cannot actually avoid the tides of Time swallowing you up with those Energies as the years pass.

Well you can have multiple partners or shareholders in business, since you generally cannot have multiple spouses, you will have to choose between the rat monkey and rooster in building a romantic relationship. In building a business relationship, you will need all three of them in executive decision-making positions. However, you should know the strengths and weaknesses of each in order to correctly assign roles and responsibilities. Each of the three types of people are very different and their capabilities and strengths. 

Whether you're looking for a singular romantic soulmate or a harmonic business soulmate, each of the strengths and weaknesses can be found here (link).

While each of these three types of people all empower you and supercharge you, if you expect things from them that are not within their temperament or skill sets, you will simply burden them and your relationship with them.



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