How to calm a crying baby. Taoist harmonics secret

From the moment you were born you are under attack by the universe. Eventually the universe wins and you die. Newborn babies are the most sensitive so they feel this attack and cry all day long.

Each baby is born with a harmonic rhythm. Each moment in time place on Earth and direction has its own harmonic rhythm. So all you have to do is match the direction of the baby's crib with the direction of the babies harmonic energy and the baby will feel much less attacked by the universe.

Go to and comment with your baby's birthday. Moderators will help you find the ideal harmonic direction for your baby's crib.

If you want to test it out, just keep turning the baby's crib by about 5° every 10 minutes. You'll eventually find a direction that the baby loves.

This applies for your own mental and emotional power as well. Where are you sleep in the direction you sleep in dictates how much success and power you'll have in your life as well.


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