12 Invisible Energies Transform Your Life for Wealth Love Health

No matter what I do I can't seem to succeed
Warmth from a campfire, radiant energy from sunlight both warm you and energize you. Nobody doubts this. But nobody can actually see the warmth. Nobody can actually see sunlight. You can see the fire and you can see the Sun but you can't see the energy that keeps you alive.

But these aren't the only two forms of energy in the universe. There are an infinite number of different Energies that each do their own thing. They each produce different results. 

So what results do you want?
If you want wealth, power, health, happiness, love, or anything else, all you have to do is find the right form of energy.

There's a 5,500 year old tradition that categorizes all the primary Energies that drive conditions in human life. This tradition labeled each of these Energies with the name of an animal to make it easy for humans to remember the designation as well as the primary qualities of each energy. Today, we know of these designations is the 12 animals of the Bazi Astrology system. 

No matter who you are no matter when you were born, there is an ideal precise combination of these Energies that will create the conditions in your life that you want. 
You've seen much colder people than you fall in love with their soulmate. You've seen much lazier people than you become extremely wealthy. 

Only a small percentage of the outcomes in our life are actually driven by our decisions and actions. Most of what happens in our life is driven by the energies that intersect with you in the center. 

So what do you want? 
Which of the energies represented by the 12 animals will act like a magic potion or a magic spell and create the conditions that you yearn for?

Answered at futureview.app

1. Find your own energetic signature represented by four of the 12 animals.
2. Identify the conditions you want in your life.
3. Use futureview.app to find the missing harmonic energies.

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