Han So Hee Chinese Horoscope. Soulmate Birthdates


Han So Hee was born November 18, 1994.

This means she is the kind of person who doesn't need anyone. She doesn't feel loneliness like most people do. She is totally content being with herself. The last 3 years have been extremely lucky years for her. But now, she faces 8 years of bad luck. This explains how she can overcome the 8 years of discord and opposition energy.

Technical Data

Year, Mind: Metal Tiger
Month, Emotion: Metal Dog
Day, Body: Earth Horse
Hour: Actions: Unlisted

Explanation of Technical Data

So she has two metals and two earths. And she has one each of wood and fire. But she lacks water. Since she has a tiger mind, dog heart, horse body, she may appear lazy and unmotivated until she is hungry. Then she becomes unstoppable like a tiger. She is highly intuitive and sensing. She can search deep into all people and find the faintest truths like a dog. And like a horse, she must be set free to run and do as she wants for long periods of time. 

She is very lucky. All of her signs are perfectly harmonic with each other. Tiger, horse, and dog are soulmates. So her mind thinks thoughts that make her feel good. Her feelings and gut instincts make her healthy and wealthy. 

She is the kind of person who doesn't need anyone. She doesn't feel loneliness like most people do. She is totally content being with herself. 

But to have extraordinary success and happiness, she needs to find a Dragon and Pig. A pig represents deep financial resources. The dragon represents philosophical and intellectual intelligence. If she were to meet a wealthy investor or producer and meet a highly intelligent creative story teller or artist, she would become super powered. These would be her soulmates. 

Remedies to Han So Hee's Opposition and Chaos Energy

Han So Hee's life would be come supernaturally powerful if she met a 
Someone born in Water Dragon year, Fire Rabbit month, Wood Tiger or Wood Sheep day.

This person would give her boundless creative inspiration and strategic mental power, unusual emotional excitement and happiness, physical extasy. 

Exact Soulmate's Birthdates

In the western modern calendar, this person would be born: March 20 to April 18 in the years 1973, 1985, or 1997. 1975, She is also perfectly compatible with horse years: 1987, and 1999. People born before September of these years would also help her become successful and happy but not nearly as wealthy or intellectually stimulating as the dragon years.

If you use futureview.app to compare Han So Hee's birthdate with the first airing date of her first lead actress role in World of the Married, March 17, 2020 wiki, You'll find that her birthdate and the first airing date were triple soulmate dates also known as supernatural harmonic superpower dates.

If you find your soulmate, the person born on your superpower dates, your life will be instantly transformed. Learn your own superpower dates and your soulmates' birth dates at futureview.app

Continued ongoing analysis of Han So Hee from a Chinese Zodiac Horoscope Perspective...


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