Rooster Tiger and Rat Dog Compatibility in Chinese Horoscope Vedic Astrology

You are rooster rooster rat rooster

You have four metals and no fire

The person you care about is
Tiger tiger dog snake
They have two wood two fire two Earth water and metal

This is an order of
Year month day and hour which corresponds to
Mind emotions body and actions

You 5 elements

Let's explain the five elements first

Metal represents deep value and wood represents prosperity.
Since you have metal and wood in your mind dimension, this means that your mind can create abundant wealth and prosperity because your mind is unusually valuable. 
In your emotional center you again have metal but you also have water. Water represents caution fear contemplation deep thought. So while you are able to create massive and unusual amounts of wealth, you tend to be conservative and cautious in your process. If you were less cautious, because of the strength of your mind, you would likely be even more prosperous. But water from your heart will feed the wood in your mind so a certain amount of caution and due diligence is likely a large driver in your ability to create wealth. In the body dimension you also have metal and water but the locations are reversed in their yin yang positions. Even in the physical world you're a very meticulous and cautious, also resourceful. Finally, your actions are considerate and engender friendship and trust although those who are close to you will feel that your precision is burdensome and somewhat abrasive.


As you can see the five elements are useful for expressing how you relate to the world in a broad sense. The 12 animals are more finely defined way of expressing your deeper nature and how you relate to others.

You 12 animals

Your mind is wood rooster. Roosters are known for their vision and meticulous precision. Wood roosters use this vision and precision to generate prosperity. Other types of roosters like Earth roosters will use the same vision and meticulous care to engender love etc. Your emotional dimension is also rooster-based but this time you are a water rooster. Water is a symbol of fluidity flexibility depth caution and fear. So while your emotion centered rooster nature enables you to feel the world and see the world in precise detail, you are also able to empathize relate and adapt. The rooster is a leader. But it is not the greatest leader of the 12 temperaments. The greatest leader of the 12 temperaments is the rat. And in your physiological dimension, your body is metal rat. This would mean that when you lead, leading people and organizations while you are physically present is to your advantage. Just showing up engenders confidence from those around you. If you think this is true for everybody, it's not. There are great leaders like Steve Jobs. Everybody hated working with Steve Jobs in person. The people around Elon musk hate working with him as well. We will leave the action dimension out of this explanation due to length.

As far as internal self compatibility, roosters are not compatible with each other. And roosters are also not compatible with rats. So you will often feel conflicted within yourself. Your mind will fight your feelings and your feelings will fight your physical body. 

This is natural. If you didn't have any inner conflicts and you were 100% entirely self-satisfied, you would not seek outside friendship relationships or even offspring. 

Person 2

Now let's move on to the person that's important in your life.


I will start by telling you that your relationship is among the most perfect relationships possible in humanity.

The greatest degree of compatibility is soulmate level. But this level of compatibility is only desirable in the life long life mate. If this other person is living or will live in independent life at some point, then the ideal relationship quality is labeled "helpful."

Helpful describes mentor mentee relationships, helpful describes father son relationships, helpful describes incidental situational crisis heroes, people that push you up the ladder of life whenever you need but do not carry you on their back. Soulmates carry each other on their backs.

Both the way you think and how you feel about life itself are absolutely complimentary and helpful to each other. You brought in each other's perspective of the world. And by expanding each other's perspectives, you were empowering each other to see opportunities, dangers, joys that you would never be able to see on your own or with any other person. Find your own superpowers and soulmates using the new chinese horoscope app.



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