Tiger Dragon Compatibility: Supernatural Power Couple. Chinese Astrology and Bazi Horoscope Analysis

The dragon tiger partnership is the most legendary in all of Chinese mythology. The only other teams that come close are dragon dragon or rooster goat monkey trilateral partnership. The tiger dragon partnership is the most powerful of power couples. This is because the tiger is the apex predator in the material world and the dragon rules the non-physical universe including the mind and Spirit. So between the two of them, they're collaboration allows them to dominate both the physical world and the mental spiritual one. The dragon alone is intellectual creative philosophical contemplative and artistic. The tiger alone is practical realistic and aggressive but only when absolutely necessary. So while the dragon is constantly exploring the endless universe of the non-physical, the tiger is content and passive. This yin yang dynamic further allows each to compliment each other and fill voids left by each other. Even this team however, is not without weakness. From a business or financial standpoint, since the dragon is primarily interested in artistic creative philosophical spiritual pursuits and since the tiger, is powerful as he is, is only active when hungry, neither party in this power couple team is particularly ambitious. So if this couple chooses to become wealthy, they will need to engage the support of a rat for leadership. Then they will need an ox to do the ongoing daily heavy lifting. They would do even better if they Incorporated the politically savvy snake and the socially extremely well connected monkey in their sales marketing and media leadership. If the tiger and dragon meet in the year, they are meeting in mentality. For most of life's challenges opportunities crises and dilemmas, this is the best place for the two to meet. This allows the dragon to dream up a vast big picture goal while the tiger aggressively execute that plan. If the tiger and dragon meet in the month, they are meeting in time and the emotional plane. The dragons whimsical free spirit can entertain and inspire the tigers bold courageous and assertive nature. But in the emotional plan, the danger exists that the tigers hot cold aggressive passive feelings can give the dragon a feeling of instability or volatility. The reverse is true for the tiger as well. The constant dreaming of the dragon can be a source of irritation as much as it can be a source of inspiration to the tiger. If the tiger and dragon meet in the day, they are meeting in the flesh. This is also particularly powerful combination. The dragon will be physically adventurous and creative while the tiger has sudden shocking bursts of energy that exhilarate both. In sports dinner dates and even sex, this combination is both healthy and endlessly enjoyable for both. If the tiger and dragon meet in the hour, the dragons free spirited explorative nature will couple with the tigers direct pointed and explosive aggression in any and every activity. These activities can include work play and even sex. The only caution here is that the dragon should give the tiger enough space to recharge even if the dragon never feels fatigued. Well the dragon loves to endlessly explore and experience, the tiger prefers to slowly savor remember and enjoy his kill. In an extreme case where this extremely powerful partnership meets in all four time pillars year month day and hour, they must use discipline to welcome into their fold the rat for practical strategic leadership, the ox or horse for long-term focused productivity, and the rooster for precision meticulous detail oriented quality control. This is because neither the tiger or the dragon are particularly detail-oriented and neither likes doing hard work over long periods of time.


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