Monkey Rabbit Compatibility vs Monkey Rat Compatibility in Chinese Zodiac Horoscope

You were born in year of monkey in the month of monkey. So this means that both your mind and your emotions can freely jump between many different groups of people. Most people have trouble settling the differences between their feelings and their mind. They might want to do something but feel guilty. They might enjoy doing things that are just stupid and harmful long-term. You don't have this problem.

If you do something with lots of people many different groups of people, like politics or mass marketing or becoming a music producer or a movie producer, you would do very well. Your soulmate is the rabbit. The rabbit is very productive and very lucky. But the rabbit is not good for helping you achieve your goals. The rabbit is useful for saving you from major problems. So I would recommend having a rabbit year rabbit month friends close by but not as a lover or wife. And definitely not as a business partner. As a business partner, you should have a rat or dragon Year business partner. Rat or dragon Year wife or girlfriend would be good too. A relationship with a rat girl will be very money-based and social ambition based. A relationship with a dragon girl will be more creative, magical. In the month category which is the category for feelings, a rabbit can be okay because a rabbit girl will make life very fun for you but as you have more fun you will make less money. So you have to use your personal value system here. Do you want to fight for wealth or do you want to live and enjoy the present? This should determine whether you join with a rabbit girl or a rat dragon dog girl in the month category. As a side note, dogs will not help you strategically in the long term. But they will be very soothing and supportive and obedient. And they will be able to sniff out many opportunities and dangers. So if you like to think alone and you don't like to consult with other people about your strategies and ambitions, a dog girlfriend or wife is fine. But you will make far far more money if you find the girl with rat year and rat month.
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